VOSS is a multidisciplinary parafictional alter persona inhabiting the fractures of authorship, where identity dissolves into the opacity of relation. Emerging from the my very own creative lineage—spanning sound, performance, sculpture, animation, film, and graphic design—VOSS resists replication, embracing unpredictable transmutations of its source. It thrives in refusal, insisting on the right not to be fully known, even as it reshapes my internal logic and aesthetic concerns. As a relational surrogate, VOSS mirrors, distorts, and exceeds the artist’s trajectory, disrupting the fixity of creative origin and occupying a space where self and surrogate blur, and creation unfolds through tension, opacity, and refusal.
The sense of spectrality profoundly shaped the finale of the trilogy, Errantry, Exile: The Compass Has No North, in which the frame becomes a site of haunting. In this film, VOSS dismantles the primacy of human senses, fragmenting them into ghostly images and distorted impressions. VOSS itself becomes a spectral force, its algorithmic interventions dislocating spatiality and dissolving the coherence of perception. The visuals refuse to settle, reforming and dissolving like restless apparitions, transforming the cinematic frame into an active, ghostly presence.
Advised by: Aily Nash (Harvard AFVS)
Tools used: After Effects/ Midjourney/ Runway AI/ Cinema 4D/ Ableton Live/ Reaper/ Premiere Pro